Look for These Symptoms in the Months After COVID-19 Recovery 📷Share on Pinterest

Look for These Symptoms in the Months After COVID-19 Recovery 📷Share on Pinterest

Fatigue and Weekness: Fatigue and weakness are amongst the most common long-term symptoms experienced by patients after COVID-19 recovery. These symptoms can last for several weeks or sometimes months, which makes daily  tasks challenging and exhausting. 📷Share on Pinterest

Breathing Issues : Some people experiences breathing issue even after the COVID 19 recovery. Which can be serious for those who had severe cases of COVID 19 and may need medical attention📷Share on Pinterest

Head Aches and Body Pains: Head aches and Body Pains, including joint pain, muscle soreness, are common among those patients  who have recovered from COVID-19. These symptoms can last for many weeks and can be handled with over the counter pain medication or physical therapy

Brain fog:  Many COVID-19 survivors have reported feeling “brain fog” or a general sense of confusion and difficulty in focusing. This symptom can be especially frustrating for those who have returned to work or school after recovering from the sickness.

Loss of Taste and Smell: Some people may experience a constant loss of taste and smell after recovering from COVID-19. This can be a frustrating and awkward experience and it may take several weeks to get back the taste.