How to gain weight with a fast metabolism: Follow this 3 Simple Steps to Weight with a Fast Metabolism

how to gain weight with a fast metabolism

How to Gain Weight with a Fast Metabolism?

Are you tired and sick with constantly feeling skinny and unable to put on weight no matter what you try?  And looking for how to Gain Weight with a Fast Metabolism?

A fast metabolism can be a blessing in terms of staying slim but it can also make it hard to gain weight if you want. Doesn’t worry there are some effective strategies you can implement to help you put on weight and build attractive muscle.


What is Metabolism?

Firstly, it’s important to know about your metabolism and how it affects your body weight. Your metabolism refers to the speed at which your body burns calories and the quicker your metabolism is the more calories your body burns and the less you are likely to gain weight.

Caloric Surplus

The key to gaining weight with a fast metabolism is to consume more calories than your body burns. This is what we call caloric surplus. A caloric surplus of 500 calories per day can lead to a weight gain of 1 pound  per week.

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Types High Calorie Foods

To achieve a caloric surplus, it’s very important to focus on high calorie food. Foods that are high in calories are:

  • Nuts and nut butters
  • Avocados
  • Cheese
  • Whole milk
  • Dried fruit
  • Dark chocolate

Incorporating these foods into your diet can help you consume more calories and reach your goal of putting on weight and get some muscle.

Meal Frequency


Eating frequently can also help you reach your caloric goals. Instead of 3 large meals try to eat 5 to 6 smaller meals throughout the day. This will help you consume more calories and provide your body with a constant source of energy. So try to eat more frequently but in this case you need to take care of your digestive system also. Eat what you can digest.



Finally getting enough sleep is very crucial for weight gain. During sleep your body produces growth hormone, which is essential for muscle growth. Try for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to ensure your body has enough time to recover and grow and 7 to 9 hours of sleep  is a very standard time for an adult which can differ with kids.

Also Read: Sleep Meditation for Anxiety : No 1 trick for better sleep


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Frequently Asked Questions about how to gain weight with a fast metabolism

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about gaining weight with a fast metabolism:

How do I know if I have a fast metabolism?

There are a few signs that may indicate you that have a fast metabolism.

These are:

  • Difficulty to put on weight. No matter how much you eat. Remember  your college friend Each and every college there some guy like that.
  • Felling hungry soon after eating.
  • Feeling warm all the time
  • Rapid heartbeat all the time

If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s possible that you have a fast metabolism and therefore you are skinny.

How many calories need to consume to gain more weight?

To gain more weight, you need to consume more calories than your body burns. A caloric surplus of 500 calories per day can lead to a weight gain of 1 pound per week. The exact number of calories you need will depend on your age, gender, weight, and activity level. Please note that getting more calories may harm your body also so take care of it.

What type of resistance training is best for gaining weight?

Resistance training includes exercises such as weightlifting and bodyweight exercises. When you lift weights  you cause micro-tears in your muscle fibers which  stimulating the growth of new muscle fibers and leading to an increase in muscle mass. Try to include resistance training in your workout routine at least 2-3 times per week Please be careful while lifting weight and don’t just try to lift heavy increase the weight you lift day by day .

How long does it take to gain weight with a fast metabolism?

Gaining weight takes time, especially if you have a fast metabolism. Be patient and consistent in your efforts to achieve a caloric surplus and engage in resistance training. It may take several months to see noticeable results but persistence will pay off in the end.


Gaining weight with a fast metabolism can be tough but it is quite possible to achieve. By focusing on above mentioned steps like caloric surplus, incorporating high-calorie foods, eating frequently, engaging in resistance training and getting enough sleep. You can put on weight and build muscle. Remember to be patient and consistent, as weight gain takes time.


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