Creatine and Hair Loss: Does creatine cause hair loss?

does creatine cause hair loss

Does creatine cause hair loss?

Creatine is a naturally occurring substance in the body which basically helps to produce energy. It is also a popular supplement which is used by athletes and bodybuilders to increase their strength and performance level. However, some people have raised concerns about the potential side effects of creatine which includes hair loss. In this article we will explore the relationship between creatine and hair loss and whether there is any evidence to support question ” Does creatine cause hair loss”


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does creatine cause hair loss

What is Creatine?

Creatine is a molecule that is produced in the liver and kidneys and it is stored in the muscles. It plays an important role in the production of energy particularly during high intensity exercise. When energy is needed creatine is converted into a substance called ATP which provides the energy that the muscles need to contract. This is why creatine is often used as a supplement by athletes and bodybuilders as it can help to increase their performance during intense exercise.

Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that creatine directly causes hair loss. Hair loss is a complex issue that can be caused by many factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, stress, and certain medical conditions. While some people have reported experiencing hair loss after taking creatine, this is likely due to other factors, such as stress, rather than the supplement itself.

Can Creatine Affect Hormonal Balance?

Creatine can have an impact on hormonal balance as it has been shown to increase levels of testosterone and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) in the body. These hormones are important for muscle growth and repair but they can also affect hair growth. If levels of these hormones become imbalanced this could potentially lead to hair loss.

Should You Be Concerned About Taking Creatine?

While there is no direct evidence to suggest that creatine causes hair loss, it is always important to be aware of the potential side effects of any supplement you take. If you are concerned about the impact of creatine on your hair you should speak to your doctor or a healthcare professional to discuss your options. They can help you determine if creatine is the right supplement for you and whether there are any potential risks or side effects you need to be aware of.


In conclusion, there is currently no scientific evidence to suggest that does creatine cause hair loss or not. While some people have reported experiencing hair loss after taking creatine and this is likely due to other factors such as stress & anxiety  rather than the supplement itself. If you are thinking to take  creatine as your supplement it is very important to speak to your doctor or a healthcare professional to determine if it is the right supplement for you and to assess any potential risks or side effects.


Here is the link for amazon’s best selling Optimum Nutrition Micronized Creatine Monohydrate Powder, Unflavored, Keto Friendly, 120 Servings




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